Proposal for punk music practice

writing a proposal: to understand the conventions of a professional magazine proposal and apply these to our own practice work.
Title: I have chosen the title "punk sound" for my magazine as it instantly stands out with the large font and as it contains the word "punk". similarly the style of font can connote a rather gothic genre of music that would attract those who live a lifestyle of punk. the font style i have used is called alice in wonderland- the font gives off Tim burton-esque vibes.

Purpose: the purpose of my product is to inform people on modern day up and coming punk (rock) bands, and to inform/educate those who are interested in the music but don't know so much about it. It will also include concert dates and times for venues in North London.

Genre: my magazine genre is punk(rock)i chose this genre as i believe in North London its not a favoured genre of music and is sort of shadowed by the music played on modern radio, however through my research i have found that there is a wide community of punk in areas of North London such as Camden Town and The Birds Nest in Deptford, south London where people gather to buy gothic clothing and watch punk concerts.

Content/target audience:My magazine will include various different features in regards to punk music, particularly punk rock within in London. my aim is to provide up and coming artists with exposure through interviews and exclusive performance advertising. The magazine will also include information regarding the history of punk rock music and punks within London - originating from the 1960s. As well as descriptive columns and reviews of any latest music that has been release within the genre.As my target audience will include two groups- the youth punks as well as the original punks who have grown up with the punk music and are now middle aged punks.

visual representation of my target audience:
the target audience for my magazine is British white males aged 40 and above who share a common interest in punk music, and have grown up with the genre since they were young. Moreover i could also widen my target audience to appeal to those of the younger generations from 18-25 years of age, so therefore my magazine would have to appeal to both target audiences. Finally my target audience would also have to live in North London,as this is where the magazine is based and all the content will come from around London as an exploration of punk rock music within London.

personnel required for Punk Sound will include;
  • model 
  • photographer
  • magazine writer 
  • photo editor 
  • magazine editor
  • model with interest in punk music for interview
Marketing methods: my primary source of marketing will be through social media sites such as Instagram and Facebook as it is a cheap and efficient way to advertise as it can reach out to a large audience in a short period of time ( one of the pros of social media). However as one of my target audiences are slightly older they may not rely on social media platforms such as Instagram or twitter, but may use Facebook more- so i will alter my adverts depending on who they are being aimed at.  
Furthermore another way i will aim to advertise will be to post flyers and posters within areas with a high percentage of punk rockers and music venues- my aim is to put up as many flyers and posters in the venues ( with permission from the owners of course).

Distribution methods: my main method of distribution will be through subscription that will be released every other month or seasonally depending on the buyers choice - this seems like the most efficient service of distribution as it is door to door, however i also wish for them to be placed in independent music shops ( for a fee) to expand my market, whilst also not wasting my products by supplying them to shops with small music interest. When the magazine is bought from the independent music shops they are also given the option to subscribe so that they can have the door to door service.

legal and ethical issues:

Legal issues: 
  • copyright challenges; such as plagiarism with photos and writing. 
Ethical issues:

  • privacy with customers information such as addresses due to the door to door service.


  1. Hi, Ruby.

    This is a detailed piece of work.

    Not sure about the font - it seems a little plain for a punk magazine, and I'm not really picking up the Tim Burton reference - was this the actual font you chose, or have you had problems getting the font onto your blog?

    Mr Boon


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