magazine codes and conventions
codes and conventions are systems of signs, which create meaning. codes are visual/audio, conventions group together to make a genre. ie. eerie music builds tension and creates suspense which link to a specific genre. the masthead (Q) where is it situated? what is the colour? and what is the font? colour scheme : how many colours are there? do they relate to the genre? slogans : is it memorable? is it a pun? and where is it situated? cover lines, bylines and feature article : do they relate to the genre? do they use language techniques? size of text? effects on text? main image : what type of shot is it? does it relate to a genre? who is being represented Z pattern : does the magazine use this? why? puffs: piece. noun. a flattering newspaper or magazine article about a person or an organisation. barcode, price, issue date, publisher, date, website, skyline/strap line (whats their purpose?) strapline: a subsidiary heading or caption in a newspaper or ma...
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